HW25: Team Progress II
Since last team progress report, we have finished up all test cases and have also fixed the problem we had that was talked about during the last progress report. Wright and I have been working really hard meeting up all the time and working at his house together with his two cats. We are already to deep to turn back now but if I were to do this class again, I would not be doing OpenMRS. It just does not have enough of the methods that we need for this assignment. Also the structure of the OpenMRS-core repository is a little strange and we are having trouble getting dependencies to be seen by our machines. Also the OpenMRS-core relies on dependencies from other OpenMRS repositories. OpenMRS is made up of 6 different repositories. So this has definitely slowed us down but we are going to keep pushing forward. Communication and organization between Wright and I has been much better since we lost a group member. Losing Ryan made us realize that we got to really get to work to make this happen. So thinks are good and we are working hard to get this last deliverable ready and to get everything ready for the final presentation day.
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