HW2: Responses to Articles

No Silver Bullet Response:
No Silver Bullet is an article saying that coding and software development is so complex that there is no one solution to fix this lack of understanding of coding. The article states that coding will always be hard and that code can always break at any moment. The article compares software development to werewolves. While silver bullets are the easy solution to kill a werewolf. There is no "silver bullet" to the complexity of software. The article states that working with highly skilled software engineers will help you get a better understanding of coding and its complexities. 

Kode Vicious Response:
The article, Kode Vicious, states that diligently communicating and working with your software development team members so that you do not delay any software when the time comes to merge your work with your team member's work. He says that the most difficult part of maintaining code and keeping code working properly is correctly integrating with the head of a development tree. This is caused by a lack of periodic merging your work with the master tree code. The solution proposed in this article is to use the scientific method to hypothesize how to fix an error or bug so that the code is able to merge properly with the master code. The article also states that too many branches that are not well organized can also make it hard to merge your code with the rest of your team's code. 

Google Code Repo Reponse:
This article was really interesting to me and really shows off Google's innovations. The article talks about Google's monolithic source repository that was custom made and also the grand size of Google's code base. The codebase of Google is about a billion files and about thirty-five million commits to the one repository for all eighteen years of Google. This codebase with billions of lines of code is used by almost all of Google's software engineers. Ninety-five percent of Google's software engineers all use and commit and push onto the same super, giant repository. This monolithic source repository has many different benefits like extensive code sharing and reuse, atomic changes, large-scale refactoring, it makes it easier to collaborate with other teams, and makes all code super visible to other Google software engineers. This kind of programming being used by the whole company has worked out great for them for many years but it does have a few drawbacks. Drawbacks include large investments in tooling for development and execution, higher codebase complexity such as unnecessary dependencies or difficulties with code discovery. Google also has to put extra effort and man power into maintaining such a large repositories code health. Google is fixing a lot of the problems that were brought up in the Kode Vicious article. It seems that Google has mostly fixed the problem of errors and bugs coming up due to not working as a team and not committing your latest code with your team. Google's monolithic source repository and its innovative sharing and team collaboration characteristics help counter these problems from Kode Vicious. 


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